Convergence of Knowledge and Social Innovation: Factors of Development of CONACYT's Public Technological Research Centers in Achieving Social Impact in Mexico
convergence, knowledge, social innovation, key factors of development, public research center, PRC, CPISynopsis
This book integrates the results of a 2022 frontier science project entitled "Convergence of knowledge and social innovation as factors in the development of CONACYT's public technological research centers in achieving social impact in Mexico," under the direction of Dr. Carlos Aguilar, a researcher at the Research and Technology Assistance Center of the State of Jalisco. Dr. Aguilar has focused on studying the relationship between knowledge and social innovation, specifically in Public Research Centers.
Innovation and markets generate inequalities and tensions in society. Given this atmosphere, it is necessary to reevaluate the dynamics of innovation and markets in society.
It is estimated that the COVID-19 pandemic globally will force over 250 million people into poverty, demonstrating the need to propose strategies to address poverty-related issues. One of these strategies is addressing the issue of social impact in a Public Research Center of the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) with an applied orientation. What would happen if a Research Center oriented towards CONACYT application, in addition to proposing innovative technological solutions, developed equitable, low-cost technology for disadvantaged sectors of a community, based on social principles and practices?
This is one of the reasons why the book was developed based on the convergence of knowledge and social innovation; where these approaches are essential in the post-COVID-19 era. The concept of social impact is new and therefore has a long way to go, especially in Mexico and in Public Research Centers with an applied orientation. Since it is a topic that has only been around for a few years, achieving understanding requires solid frontier science with stable norms accepted by a scientific community.
At this point, the book aims to be a tool for reflection for a Public Research Center with an applied orientation, but also a reference point for all those interested in technological social impact. The book is divided into 10 chapters, designed in an inverted triangle form from normative and public policy aspects to specific cases, following the reflection process of the contributors.
The first chapter aims to establish common criteria and reference frameworks regarding social impact and technological production; the second chapter reflects on the challenges faced by an agricultural population in accessing knowledge, innovations, and technology to improve their processes. The third chapter describes the measures for preventing health risks caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The fourth chapter reflects on how the High-Impact Social Innovation Center of the State of Jalisco (CISAI) has collaborated with the Center for Applied Chemistry Research (CIQA) on the social and scientific aspects of hemodialysis. The fifth chapter presents some proposals for the social appropriation of knowledge generated in the CONACYT Public Centers System. The sixth chapter analyzes the convergence of knowledge and social innovation as factors in economic development in the Metropolitan Zone of Puerto Vallarta (ZMPV), providing a description of the circular economy project under inclusive business models and economic, social, and environmental sustainability schemes, using quito-sano as a biopesticide in watermelon crops in ZMPV. The seventh chapter analyzes how existing educational paradigms have been modified by the COVID-19 pandemic, so Public Research Centers and Universities must strengthen their collaboration to promote competitiveness and economic and social growth.
Chapter eight contextualizes the collective construction of knowledge so that technology transfer occurs through horizontal approaches in innovation models, based on the generation of horizontal networks for the exchange of knowledge and experiences (RHICE) where users participate not only in the technology reception process but also in problem diagnosis, proposal generation, and application and sustainability. The ninth chapter informs how, through corporate social responsibility, CIAD AC has implemented a social responsibility management scheme as an inclusive business model in agricultural companies. In the tenth chapter, a hypothetical model is described in which a Public Research Center with an applied orientation uses the social network Reddit to allow users to access information about technological developments and, thus, disseminate knowledge.
The book presents academic criteria and reference frameworks, where it was not easy to identify proposals. In this way, it is a first step to propose structures and ideas that contribute to the debate and allow agreements to be reached on social impact issues, thus progressing in the knowledge of cutting-edge science. As an unplanned result, a network of researchers interested in the issue of social impact in a Research Center with an applied orientation of CONACYT was created, where the network seeks to learn and progress on the issue, and to awaken interest in postgraduate students.
The book is a first step on the path, which seeks to return to society the work demanded by the design and execution of the project. The next step will be to discuss indicators and best practices for Public Research Centers with an applied orientation, in order to continue learning and shaping criteria and methodology regarding the subject. Likewise, in the short term, criteria will be proposed for the identification and selection of equitable low-cost technologies, as well as tools for their transfer and measurement.
Finally, this book, in addition to opening a perspective for reflection and analysis of social innovation, contributes to the dissemination of knowledge and science in the country.
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