Industry 4.0 in Manufacturing Companies in Mexico
Industry 4.0, Manufacturing Sector, Manufacturing Companies, MexicoSynopsis
In a world with over eight billion people, the growing demand for goods and services has led to excessive exploitation of non-renewable resources, accelerating global warming through CO2 emissions. "Industry 4.0: Sustainability and Business Transformation" proposes changing industrial production to address this problem.
The book explores how the scientific, academic, and business communities collaborate in the face of this challenge. It suggests using recyclable materials and renewable energies in manufacturing to enhance the environment. However, this transformation faces obstacles.
Although Industry 4.0 represents a significant change, its adoption comes with challenges. Costs and a lack of collaboration in supply chains hinder its implementation. Skills and infrastructure gaps impede its progress in developing economies.
The book highlights Industry 4.0 for businesses, especially in emerging economies like Mexico, aiming for environmental and sustainability goals in the metal-mechanical, automotive, aerospace, chemical, and textile manufacturing sectors. However, it requires a robust network to connect resources and people.
The central goal of Industry 4.0 is to merge value and production in intelligent enterprises. Horizontal and vertical integration will enable automatic exchanges, connecting products, machinery, employees, and consumers. "Industry 4.0: Sustainability and Business Transformation" advocates for adaptable production systems to meet current challenges.
This book is essential for those interested in industrial sustainability, business innovation, and technology
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