Maturity Processes in Technological Developments in Postgraduate Courses with Social Links


María Hidalia Cruz-Herrera
Research-Professor at CUCEA, Universidad de Guadalajara (UdeG), Guadalajara, Jalisco, México
José Antonio Orizaga-Trejo
Research Professor at CUCEA Universidad de Guadalajara (UdeG), Guadalajara, Jalisco, México


Maturity processes in technological development, posgraduate, social link


This work records actions and reflections on sensitive topics in teacher-student collaboration, highlights academic intervention in priority sectors, and alludes to the interdisciplinary opportunity in social and abstract areas with proposals from you. The company, industry, and government do not prioritize the objects of study in light of federal strategies, but they are the ones who intervene in technological innovation, connectivity, and concomitant strengthening of human capital with specific profiles, whose value chain will be demanding in the organizational formations that our country attracts.

Those who write, warn the university ecosystem with areas of opportunity and emphasize postgraduate programs recognized by CONAHCYT to recompose the strategic policies of higher education in Mexico, time will offer data to evaluate the relevance and viability of the strategic axes with social perspective regarding the requirements of the industry or other sectors.


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Author Biographies

María Hidalia Cruz-Herrera, Research-Professor at CUCEA, Universidad de Guadalajara (UdeG), Guadalajara, Jalisco, México

Ph.D. Ma. Hidalia Cruz Herrera, a lawyer with, Master's in Private and Public Law from the University of Guadalajara and Universidad Panamericana, respectively; Ph.D. in Educational Sciences from the Santander Universities; Professor at the undergraduate and postgraduate level, participates in basic and applied research on the trajectory and graduation of students from interdisciplinary areas; He is part of the Tutorial Committee on evaluation, design, and proposals of Master's and Doctorate students in Information Technologies of the University Center of Economic-Administrative Sciences; co-author of various books and documents for academic dissemination, with intellectual property records in innovation, development, and management in Information Technology—candidate for National Researcher in the National System of CONAHCyT Researchers.

José Antonio Orizaga-Trejo, Research Professor at CUCEA Universidad de Guadalajara (UdeG), Guadalajara, Jalisco, México

Ph.D. IT. José Antonio Orizaga Trejo is a graduate of Communications and Electronics Engineering, a master's in information systems, and a Ph.D. in Information Technology from the University of Guadalajara. He has 27 years of professional experience in Information Technology applied in government and business areas, 26 years of academic experience at the University of Guadalajara, one more at the University of Guayaquil in Ecuador with a master's degree in Telecommunications Administration, and has completed Doctoral research stay at the University of Vigo in Spain.

He has several international publications in IT Congresses, national and international patents applying technology to the medical area, and national copyrights, among others.

Some of the projects consolidated during his experience are the automation of technological processes in the Federal Electoral Tribunal in 1994, the automation of Information Systems platforms in the Jalisco State Attorney General's Office in 1998, the implementation of the optical network and migration of the Information Technology platform in the Municipality of Guadalajara in the year 2000, migration of the Zapopan City Council Data Center in 2005, implementation of online collection and revenue services in 2014, implementation of the State GRP aligned with the General Law of Government Accounting and Financial Discipline in 2016 and 2018, the latter in the Government of the State of Jalisco.

He is currently directing research projects on Smart Cities and student theses in the fields of telecommunications and data analysis for sensors and IoT devices in the Master's and Doctorate in Information Technology, Master's in Data Science at the University of Guadalajara, as well as how to coordinate the Postgraduate in the Master's Degree in Information Technology and member of the National System of Researchers attached to the Center for Innovation in Smart Cities.

Interest areas: AI, Cybersecurity, Telecommunications, Data Centers, Cloud Computing, Smart Cities, and IoT.


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Book Cover: Maturity Processes in Technological Developments in Postgraduate Studies with Social Links



December 14, 2023

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