Quality Assurance Principles for Software Design. Process Innovation in Information Technologies


Juan Mejía Trejo
Research-Professor at the Centro Universitario de Ciencias Económico-Administrativas (CUCEA) Universidad de Guadalajara (UdeG), Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.


principios, aseguramiento de calidad, software, diseño, innovación de procesos, tecnologías de información


In the field of software engineering, it is essential to understand the fundamental concepts that underpin the development and maintenance of quality systems. This book delves into the fascinating world of software innovation and quality, addressing everything from the most basic elements to advanced aspects that shape the efficiency and effectiveness of digital products and services.

Chapter 1: Basic Concepts. The starting point lies in understanding innovation and its intrinsic relationship with software. From essential definitions to differentiating between internal and external quality, this chapter lays the necessary foundations for approaching Software Quality Engineering. We will explore how quality assurance addresses errors and defects, corrective and preventive actions, and the importance of effective communication between client and developer.

Chapter 2: Life Cycles, Culture, and Costs in Software Quality. The journey continues with a detailed analysis of different software life cycle models, from the traditional waterfall to agile methods such as Scrum and eXtreme Programming. We will delve into the costs associated with quality and its management, exploring statistical aspects, Six Sigma, and Lean techniques. The culture of innovation in software quality will be a guiding thread throughout the chapter, highlighting the importance of leadership and ethics in quality teams.

Chapter 3: Software Quality Architecture and Requirements. The third chapter focuses on system architecture and software requirements engineering. From embedded systems to client-server architectures, we will explore various methodologies for specifying and designing quality requirements. Innovative models and current standards, such as ISO 25000 and IEEE 1061, are presented as essential tools in this process.

Chapter 4: Software Engineering Standards. In the fourth chapter, we will delve into the evolution of software engineering standards. From the ISO 9000 family to maturity models like CMMI, we will analyze how these standards influence quality and process management. We will also explore models like ITIL, COBIT, and the key role of quality assurance in the implementation of standards.

Chapter 5: Reviews. Reviews, both personal and desk, are crucial to ensuring software quality. This chapter examines standards and models such as ISO/IEC 20246, CMMI, and IEEE 1028. The planning and execution of reviews, along with requirements traceability, are presented as key elements in software quality management.

Chapter 6: Software Audits. Auditing, a crucial process in software quality management, is addressed in this chapter. From the necessity of conducting audits to internal and external audits, we will explore standards like ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207 and best practices for conducting an effective audit. Corrective actions and the relationship between audits and the quality assurance plan are also highlighted.

Chapter 7: Verification, Validation, and Risk Management. The final chapter delves into verification and validation, exploring standards such as IEEE 1012 and their relationship with business models. Risk management is also covered, from identification to execution and monitoring of the action plan. The integration of validation in software development and risk management as an essential component of quality are analyzed in detail.

With these topics, our goal is to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of software quality, from its fundamentals to its advanced applications, offering a valuable guide for those involved in software engineering and quality management.


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Author Biography

Juan Mejía Trejo, Research-Professor at the Centro Universitario de Ciencias Económico-Administrativas (CUCEA) Universidad de Guadalajara (UdeG), Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.

Dr. Juan Mejía Trejo

He is born in 1964 in CDMX, México.

As professional experience:

1986-1987. Quality Department Control in KOKAI Electrónica S.A.

1987-2008. Former Internal Plant Exploitation Manager at Teléfonos de México S.A.B. Western Division.

As academic experience :

1987. He earned his degree in Communications and Electronics Engineering from the Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica, Instituto Politécnico Nacional (ESIME at the IPN)

2004. He earned his master’s in Telecommunications Business Administration from INTTELMEX and France Telecom.

2010. He earned his doctorate in Administrative Sciences from the Escuela Superior de Comercio y Administración (ESCA at the IPN)

2011.He is a member of the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI) Level I of the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT) , México.

2010 to the present, he is Titular Research Professor B at the Department of Marketing and International Business at the Universidad de Guadalajara, México.

2015-2022.He earned the Coordination of the Doctorate in Management Sciences at the Universidad de Guadalajara.

2018-2020. He earned his master’s in Valuing Business in the Centro de Valores S.C. México.

2019.He earned Level II of the SNI/CONACYT.

2019. He is the Founder, the main Sponsor and Director of the AMIDI (Academia Mexicana de Investigacion y Docencia en Innovación SC) (https://amidi.mx/)

2021. He is the Founder, the main Sponsor and Editor-in-Chief of the Scientific Journal Scientia et PRAXIS (https://scientiaetpraxis .amidi.mx/index.php/sp)

2023. He is the Founder, the main Sponsor and Editor-in-Chief of the Digital Repository AMIDI.Biblioteca


2024.He earned Level III of the SNI/CONAHCYT.


Currently, his line of research is Innovation Management, publishing articles and books that can be found on the Internet.

His ORCID is on https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0558-1943

Emails: jmejia@cucea.udg.mx; juanmejiatrejo@hotmail.com; direccion@amidi.mx; editorial@scientiaetpraxis.amidi.mx

ResearcherID: O-8416-2017

ResearcherID: HMW-2043-2023


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February 1, 2024

Details about this monograph

ISMN-13 (25)


