Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development
innovation, enrrepreneurship, sustainable developmentSynopsis
At the end of September 2023, the Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca hosted the 1st International Congress on Social Entrepreneurship, organized by ANFECA. This institution, with 65 years of history, brings together 274 universities in Mexico, focusing on curriculum development, academic updates, and innovative methodologies in fields such as accounting, management, and business. ANFECA aims to actively contribute to solving social and regional problems, addressing issues such as gender equality, environmental accounting, and socially responsible companies.
Social entrepreneurship was the central theme of the congress, considered key for regional and civilizational development. This concept, as noted by Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, refers to the creation of innovative solutions to social problems. During the event, the importance of cooperative and community business models was highlighted, such as those of Mondragón in Spain and entrepreneurship examples in Oaxaca, where communities like Usila and San Antonino have implemented successful projects based on local cultural practices, such as vanilla cultivation and embroidery production. These cases reflect the potential of social entrepreneurship to improve quality of life and preserve culture.
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