Values-Based Innovation : Designing a Model to be applied in Management Sciences
Values-Based Innovation, Model, Management, ScienceSynopsis
What is the mean reason to formulate values in firms or organizations? The main answer is to facilitate the alignment of employees and organizational values to increase motivation and effectiveness with better outcomes in performance and investment alike. However, there are few efforts to design, implement and prove empirical models to analyze their results that conform to an integral view of factors involved in a value-based management model. The mentioned above represents a great opportunity for the management sciences to show their abilities to propose a model able to determine and weigh an inventory of values per industry/sector and select the values, according to the division or department of the firm or corporate organization. Due to the values-based innovation is the main reason for this book and according as mentioned above, this is divided in:
Chapter 1 highlights the importance of values for management sciences, showing, several values studies and models that describe them, and the main key performance indicators to as- sess them, inspired by values-based management. Remarkable models are explained, such as Evaluation VAlue protocol (Eva protocol), which is introduced as a tool for selecting values from a previously determined inventory.
Chapter 2, describes the relationship between values and innovation and the recent and novelty models as the value-based innovation management model (Breuer, H., and Lüdeke-Freund (2015), and its relationship with the open innovation model (Mejía-Trejo, 2017 b)
Chapter 3, describes the general conceptual model proposal, based on the models mentioned above, and describes the pro- cess of eva protocol to be applied. The model proposal includes a broad scope to define specific values into specific areas, interchangeables along the horizontal or vertical structure of the firm or corporate organization, with certain characteristics such as: normative, strategic, and/or instrumental/operational as management views. It previewed, three innovation management associated with each one of the management views: the normative, the business model, and the process-product-service innovation views. A decision point is incorporated in order to change or not the actual values on operation. If the answer is no, the process continues in its own flow of feedback linkage to keep the supervision of the key performance indicators such as efficiency or effectiveness inspired in values-based management as a feedback linkage; if the answer is yes, then the Eva protocol process is applied as a feedback linkage to review, modify, interchange, suppress or enter new values according to the division, the de- partment within the firm or corporate organization.
Chapter 4, as a benchmarking research of the most innova- tors firms at worldwide, no matter what industries or sectors are being, shows an empirically study case as a preliminary stage to determine an inventory of values with an innovation view, based on Mejía-Trejo (2017c) research applied at Guadalajara’s Mexico software development firms with the hope to be implemented in Spain for future studies.
Finally, the conceptual model proposal is considered important and ready to be applied in any sector of the industry interested in values-based innovation management, due to its flexibility, simplicity, and broad scope to measure the performance of the firm or corporate organization not only in the economic value, but in the general perception of value in all the involved parties.
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