Contributions from Management Sciences to Intellectual Property
Ciencias de la administración, Propiedad IntelectualSynopsis
This research prioritizes the topic of Intellectual Property linked to knowledge susceptible to protection by some form of intellectual property, in relation to innovation, competitiveness, the intellectual capital of organizations, and the challenge with universities in technology transfer. This work was carried out by doctoral students in management sciences, who linked their research line with intellectual property.
The economic sector seeks for its processes to be innovative and competitive, to have value for its environment and create competitive advantages and be more efficient.
Intangible property has created new sources of knowledge, new foreign investments, and has been a trigger in business economic progress.
The construction of new technology is guided by innovation and development, with new strategies whose academic value is a contribution to the creation of new knowledge.
This bilingual work contributes to knowledge and creates new paradigms with a diversified and strategic approach for the deconstruction of new lines of research.
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