Social Impact Evaluation in Innovation Projects via STATA, Methods: Instrumental Variable Estimation, Regression Discontinuity, Choice of Method to Use


Juan Mejía-Trejo
Profesor Investigador Titular B CUCEA-Universidad de Guadalajara


Impacto social, Stata, Variable instrumental, Regresión discontínua


In the business and industrial world, the design and implementation of projects typically take into account the economic, financial, and even political or environmental impact when introducing innovations. However, in the first two decades of the 21st century, various events have demonstrated that social impact assessment in generating well-being is of vital importance.

In fact, in the times of the new normalcy anticipated as the Post-COVID-19 era, this becomes particularly relevant since all policies and actions issued by companies and governments must have the necessary endorsement of a social impact assessment for the introduction of innovations.

For this reason, the work: "Social Impact Assessment in Innovation Projects Via STATA. Methods: Instrumental Variable Estimation, Regression Discontinuity, Choice of Method to Use VOLUME II," is aimed at describing both to those familiar and unfamiliar with the subject, what social impact is, its characteristics, conditions, and implications, the main methods used to calculate it, as well as the opportunities that emerge in the Post-COVID-19 era, demanding that the resources and actions of innovation to be designed and implemented reflect high standards of social impact to promote well-being, particularly in emerging countries.

To achieve this, this work is divided into a collection of two volumes, corresponding to Volume II:

Chapter 6. Instrumental Variable Estimation (IV). In this chapter, the reader is briefed on the types of estimations, the two-stage least squares approach, what imperfect compliance entails, and weak instruments in estimates, marginal treatment effect significance, and random promotion in the technique, a checklist. The chapter closes with the scope and limitations, as well as an application example in STATA.

Chapter 7. Regression Discontinuity (RD). This chapter is designed to present the theory of discontinuity regression, both sharp and fuzzy, the steps involved in its application, possible variations, verifying the validity of the design, advantages and disadvantages of the technique, comparisons with others (pipeline), limitations, and scope of the technique, a checklist. An example using STATA is included.

Chapter 8. Choice of Method to Use. Given the variety of techniques to be used and to help the reader identify the most suitable one, this chapter is designed to explain the importance of determining comparison groups, the implication of what is prospective, and how to create a comparison group, identifying beneficiaries and prioritizing them. This serves as a basis for comparing and supporting impact evaluation methods, meaning determining the minimum unit of intervention, how to achieve it, and avoid implementation difficulties. Given human intervention, it is perceived how behavior intervenes and its unintended effects, imperfect compliance, indirect or spillover effects, and sample attrition. Design suggestions are provided as well as taking into account effects and their persistence over time. Likewise, the possibility of combining various treatment options in impact evaluation at different levels of treatment is explained, as well as adapting to multiple intervention evaluations.

Chapter 9. Sample Selection and Data Collection Design. In order to support a project prospect, the elements are provided here to determine the sample from the most well-known sampling methods, which involves calculating sample power as well as treatment vs. comparison groups. Potential errors to be avoided are cited, defining what statistical power is and how to calculate it, the meaning of clusters related to random assignment, recommendations for collecting data and making them measurable.

Chapter 10. Project Management Guidelines for Impact Evaluation. In this chapter, the importance of innovation projects in social impact is highlighted, how society becomes more involved and participatory in innovation project stages, the specification of the company and its social commitment, and in general, UN Sustainable Development Goals and community capital. With this as a reference, the components of the impact evaluation management team are specified, suggesting how to establish collaborations and determining both a schedule and a budget for an impact evaluation project management project.

Chapter 11. Social Impact Assessment in the Post-COVID-19 Era. Finally, the work concludes with an overview of the COVID-19 phenomenon globally as well as its economic impact, international trade, and the internet. For Latin America and the Caribbean, opportunities for social impact assessment in the introduction of innovations in health, education, employment, poverty, and SMEs are described. It concludes with a report on the global post-COVID-19 future, the social impact of COVID-19 in Mexico, as well as the operational structure and strategies against COVID-19, which form the basis for the introduction of social impact assessment in the introduction of innovations in the Post-COVID-19 era.


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Author Biography

Juan Mejía-Trejo, Profesor Investigador Titular B CUCEA-Universidad de Guadalajara

Dr. Juan Mejía Trejo
He is born in 1964 in CDMX, México.
As professional experience:
1986-1987. Quality Department Control in KOKAI Electrónica S.A.
1987-2008. Former Internal Plant Exploitation Manager at Teléfonos de México S.A.B. Western Division.
As academic experience :
1987. He earned his degree in Communications and Electronics Engineering from the Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica, Instituto Politécnico Nacional (ESIME at the IPN)
2004. He earned his master’s in Telecommunications Business Administration from INTTELMEX and France Telecom.
2010. He earned his doctorate in Administrative Sciences from the Escuela Superior de Comercio y Administración (ESCA at the IPN)
2011.He is a member of the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI) Level I of the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT) , México.
2010 to the present, he is Titular Research Professor B at the Department of Marketing and International Business at the Universidad de Guadalajara, México.
2018-2020. He earned his master’s in Valuing Business in the Centro de Valores S.C. México.
2019.He earned Level II of the SNI/CONACYT
2015-2022.He earned the Coordination of the Doctorate in Management Sciences at the Universidad de Guadalajara.

Currently, he is the founder of the AMIDI (Academia Mexicana de Investigacion y Docencia en Innovación SC) ( as well as founder and editor-in-chief of the scientific journal Scientia et PRAXIS (https://scientiaetpraxis

His line of research is Innovation Management, publishing articles and books that can be found on the Internet.

Dr. Juan Mejía Trejo
Nacido en la CDMX (1964).México.
Con experiencia profesional:
1986-1987. Departamento de Control de Calidad KOKAI Electrónica S.A.
1987-2008.Gerente de Explotación de Planta Interna en Teléfonos de México S.A.B. División Occidente.
Con experiencia académica:
1987 obtiene su licenciatura en Ingeniero en Comunicaciones y Electrónica de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica del Instituto Politécnico Nacional (ESIME del IPN)
2004 egresa como Maestro en Administración Empresas de Telecomunicaciones por el INTTELMEX y France Telecom.
2010 obtiene su grado como Dr. en Ciencias Administrativas de la Escuela Superior de Comercio y Administración (ESCA del IPN)
2011 Ingresa al Sistema Nacional de investigadores Nivel I del CONACYT
2010 a la actualidad es Profesor Investigador Titular B en el Departamento de Mercadotecnia y Negocios Internacionales, de la Universidad de Guadalajara, México.
2018-2020 egresa como Maestro en Valuación de Negocios en Marcha por el Centro de Valores , S.C. México.
2019 Actualización en el Sistema Nacional de Investigadores como Nivel II
2015 a 2022 Coordinador del Doctorado de Ciencias de la Administración de CUCEA de la Universidad de Guadalajara.

2019 a la fecha, es fundador de la AMIDI (Academia Mexicana de Investigación y Docencia en Innovación SC) ( así como fundador y editor responsable de la revista científica Scientia et PRAXIS (

Línea de Investigación la Administración de la Innovación, realizando publicaciones de artículos y libros localizables en Internet.



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December 30, 2021

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