Creation of Scales in Management Sciences
Escalas, AdministraciónSynopsis
Achieving recognition and credibility in scientific research results depends on which strategy best clarifies and justifies the measurement technique used. Thus, it is possible to propose various strategies that allow for the development and refinement of measurements; however, their true impact will depend on the type of scientific phenomenon being measured, both with directly observable variables and their underlying relationships. Therefore, administrative sciences should focus their interest on the formulation, design, development, and validation of constructs, both direct and underlying relationships. Particularly, this latter type of relationship involves constructs that, by representing abstractions, can only be evaluated indirectly. Indirect evaluation involves the design and use of multiple elements (in our case, indicators) that measure the construct, i.e., "propose the scale for measurement." Thus, starting from a specific research problem and characterizing the factors, variables, and indicators that best describe it in the form of constructs, the main objective of this document is to propose and design the relationships of these factors, variables, and indicators to discuss how to measure and validate them through the creation of scales.
To achieve this objective, Chapter 1 justifies and emphasizes the importance of scale development theory by explaining key and basic concepts such as dimensionality, reliability, and validity. Additionally, the importance of the four-step approach in scale development involving these three concepts is highlighted. Chapters 2, 3, and 4 discuss each of these key concepts in greater detail. Chapters 5, 6, and 7 emphasize and detail the four-stage approach and provide relevant empirical examples for each step.
Particular emphasis is placed on exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. The four-stage approach is based on the precedent of multiple scale development works by various authors (Churchill, 1979; Clark & Watson, 1995; DeVellis, 1991; Haynes, Nelson, & Blaine, 1999; Nunnally & Bernstein, 1994; Spector, 1992).
It is worth noting that the design of a scale based on constructs that ultimately define a model is the foundation of scientific research, which is primarily iterative rather than linear. This means that, instead of following linear or consecutive steps and activities like a logical and sequential process, the suggested scale development process tends to be strongly iterative and continuous, where "all scale development procedures are restarted." This is because researchers, being aware, learn from their efforts and mistakes, making revisions necessary, including those at early stages such as the definition of factors, variables, and indicators at a conceptual level, as well as the definition of construct dimensionality.
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