Management Sciences and Their Relationship with Competitive Organization
management sciences, competitive, organizationSynopsis
The present work is a compilation of project proposals from the most outstanding students of the Doctorate in Administrative Sciences from the 2015b and 2016b cohorts at the University of Guadalajara. These projects revolve around the development of organizations in various aspects; for example, the first work addresses the relationship between knowledge generation in organizations and the development of competencies among individuals working in them, emphasizing its importance. This leads to advantages, as described in the second proposal, which analyzes the relationship between conflict management and organizational learning, and how this can transform a company into an intelligent organization. All of this requires new ways of introduction and application, as discussed in the third project of this work, whose purpose is to integrate various concepts and propose a model that identifies the requirements, sources, and processing of information necessary for decision-making, thus fostering organizational growth.
As observed, the aforementioned works demonstrate that knowledge management generates value through innovation, a point addressed in the fourth research proposal, which describes it as one of the organizations that learn to achieve greater competitiveness. It is pertinent to highlight that the 21st century is no longer about ventures involving the commitment of unilateral resources and capabilities, but rather about alliances and collaborative networks, as analyzed in the fifth article, from a perspective of joint and collaborative dynamics, as it is one of the best ways to do business with other countries.
The challenge for administrative sciences is to address different problems of complex reality through simple and impactful proposals that contribute to their solution. This is the case with study number six, which explains how organizations can apply their corporate social responsibility policies from various perspectives, such as economic, social, and environmental.
Document number seven is another example of how administrative sciences allow us to explain the main factors motivating the entrepreneurship of e-businesses by SMEs, taking into account the dispersion and scarcity of their resources. In this sense, and in a case study focused on the furniture industry of the Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara (MAG), one of the strategies that e-businesses have implemented in Mexico in recent years is customer relationship management (CRM), a situation presented in project eight, which explains the findings on this matter. Another case study is explained in project proposal number nine, which relates a micro-enterprise ("cybercafe") to motivational concepts inspired by Maslow's hierarchy of needs; the results are attractive given the accessibility of the proposed tool. Project number ten allows us to reflect on the importance of quantitative valuation for SMEs, through a complementary qualitative approach.
Finally, article 11 shows the great opportunities that administrative sciences have when collaborating with research centers, such as the Center for Research and Assistance in Technology and Design of the State of Jalisco (CIATEJ), to analyze how innovation management has the potential to drive companies in such novel sectors as nanotechnology to achieve greater competitiveness.
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