Organizational Innovation Theory: A Description of the Main Schools and Their Contributions by Author
Organizational, Innovation, TheorySynopsis
It is a characteristic of the condition of the human being, its sense of social interrelation since there is historical evidence that prehistoric person grouped and organized them to achieve various activities such as hunting, protection, war, and even selecting a partner for the consolidation of their clans or tribes. Once sedentary, it required more sophisticated forms of organization to practice agriculture and cattle raising and build their homes, cities, and diverse infrastructure.
However, even though the usefulness of organizing has been evident to humanity, it was not until the 20th century which various thinkers, particularly in the area of psychology, ventured into the deliberation of its design, implementation, as well as the causes and effects that have different organizational structures to use, more than anything, in the business field.
In this way, this work is addressed to those who are insiders and outsiders to organizational innovation who need to know about the various structures that have been adopted throughout history and have a notion of how both the external and internal environment has influenced their development. Its definition.
They are presented in various chapters so that it is known, in an approximate chronologically, what each current of organizational thought consists of, as well as learning the primary authors and their contribution works with discussions of their scope and limitations. Since the organization is an activity that is the product of the habits and customs that prevail in different periods of history, it is expected that the organizational models presented here will continue to evolve; In fact, it stands out that there is no single organizational innovation structure, but that it responds to a series of factors that, as will be discussed in the book, present themselves in various forms, according to the human group that analyzes them and their interests. You will be free to adopt to the best of your ability.
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